
  • Anne Marie Svane Karlsruhe Institute of Technology



digital stereology, grey-scale images, local algorithms, Minkowski tensors


It was shown in Svane (2014b) that local algorithms based on grey-scale images sometimes lead to asymptotically unbiased estimators for surface area and integrated mean curvature. This paper extends the results to estimators for Minkowski tensors. In particular, asymptotically unbiased local algorithms for estimation of all volume and surface tensors and certain mean curvature tensors are given. This requires an extension of the asymptotic formulas of Svane (2014b) to estimators with position dependent weights. 


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Svane, A. M. (2014). ESTIMATION OF MINKOWSKI TENSORS FROM DIGITAL GREY-SCALE IMAGES. Image Analysis and Stereology, 34(1), 51-61.