
  • Etienne Decencière MINES ParisTech
  • Xiwei Zhang MINES ParisTech
  • Guy Cazuguel Télécom Bretagne
  • Bruno Lay ADCIS
  • Béatrice Cochener Brest University Hospital
  • Caroline Trone University Hospital of Saint-Etienne
  • Philippe Gain University Hospital of Saint-Etienne
  • Richard Ordonez MINES ParisTech
  • Pascale Massin Hôpital Lariboisière
  • Ali Erginay Hôpital Lariboisière
  • Béatrice Charton Centre de Ressources Informatiques de Haute-Normandie
  • Jean-Claude Klein MINES ParisTech



diabetic retinopathy, image database, image processing, Messidor


The Messidor database, which contains hundreds of eye fundus images, has been publicly distributed since 2008. It was created by the Messidor project in order to evaluate automatic lesion segmentation and diabetic retinopathy grading methods. Designing, producing and maintaining such a database entails significant costs. By publicly sharing it, one hopes to bring a valuable resource to the public research community. However, the real interest and benefit of the research community is not easy to quantify. We analyse here the feedback on the Messidor database, after more than 6 years of diffusion. This analysis should apply to other similar research databases.


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Short Research Communication

How to Cite

Decencière, E., Zhang, X., Cazuguel, G., Lay, B., Cochener, B., Trone, C., Gain, P., Ordonez, R., Massin, P., Erginay, A., Charton, B., & Klein, J.-C. (2014). FEEDBACK ON A PUBLICLY DISTRIBUTED IMAGE DATABASE: THE MESSIDOR DATABASE. Image Analysis and Stereology, 33(3), 231-234.

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