auto-regressive field, fractional Brownian field, HRTEM imaging, mathematical morphology, texture analysisAbstract
This paper addresses the characterization of spatial arrangements of fringes in catalysts imaged by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). It presents a statistical model-based approach for analyzing these fringes. The proposed approach involves Fractional Brownian Field (FBF) and 2-D AutoRegressive (AR) modeling, as well as morphological analysis. The originality of the approach consists in identifying the image background as an FBF, subtracting this background, modeling the residual by 2-D AR so as to capture fringe information and, finally, discriminating catalysts from fringe characterizations obtained by morphological analysis. The overall analysis is called ARFBF (Auto-Regressive Fractional Brownian Field) based morphology characterization.
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