
  • Ana Isabel Gomez Universidad de Cantabria
  • Marcos Cruz Universidad de Cantabria
  • Luis Manuel Cruz-Orive Universidad de Cantabria



Cavalieri error variance predictor, geometric sampling, Monte Carlo resampling, particle counting, population size, Split error variance predictor, systematic quadrats


Design unbiased estimation of population size by stereological methods is an efficient alternative to automatic computer vision methods, which are generally biased. Moreover, stereological methods offer the possibility of predicting the error variance from a single sample. Here we explore the statistical performance of two alternative variance estimators on a dataset of 26 labelled crowd pictures. The empirical mean square errors of the variance predictors are compared by means of Monte Carlo resampling.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Isabel Gomez, Universidad de Cantabria
    Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computation, Faculty of Sciences
  • Marcos Cruz, Universidad de Cantabria
    Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computation, Faculty of Sciences
  • Luis Manuel Cruz-Orive, Universidad de Cantabria
    Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computation, Faculty of Sciences


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Gomez, A. I., Cruz, M., & Cruz-Orive, L. M. (2019). VARIANCE PREDICTION FOR POPULATION SIZE ESTIMATION. Image Analysis and Stereology, 38(2), 131-139.